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Webinars & E-Learning

Dry Needling Webinar 1

The Scientific Basis. This webinar features the same videos as in the Dry Needling 1: Foundations I course. This course is open to all DN and MTT students.

3.5 hours

Dry Needling Webinar 2

The Scientific Basis. This webinar features the same videos as in the Dry Needling 2: Foundations II course. This course is open to all DN and MTT students.

3.5 hours

Dry Needling Webinar 3

The Scientific Basis. Unlike DN1 & DN2 Webinars, DN3 Webinar is not pre-course material for the Dry Needling 3: Advanced course. This webinar is pre-course material for the Mastery and Update course and can provide 4 hours towards DN theoretical hours for Maryland.

3.5 hours

Dry Needling Webinar 4

State-of-the-Art 2021 - The Scientific Basis (most recent update). In this online review, Jan Dommerholt explores the most pertinent literature on myofascial pain and dry needling.

3.0 Hours

Facial Palsy: The Therapist's Guide

This 100% online course, "The Therapist's Guide to Treating Patients with Facial Palsy," is designed to provide physical, occupational, speech therapists, and other healthcare providers with the knowledge of current treatment regimens, interventions, and new innovative techniques for facial palsy patients so this underserved population can flourish under the care of a well-informed clinician.

35 hours

Intramuscular Electrical Stimulation

Intramuscular electrical stimulation (IMES) is increasingly used in clinical practice to modify or enhance the effects of needling interventions. Yet, no published guidelines exist to assist clinicians in their clinical reasoning for selecting stimulation parameters or determining adequate dosage for the use of IMES for any musculoskeletal condition. This online course will teach clinicians how to safely and effectively implement IMES into practice based on the most recent scientific evidence.

14 hours

State of the Art 2024: What's New in Myofascial Pain and Dry Needling?

In this hybrid (live and online) lecture, Jan Dommerholt will review the current scientific literature on myofascial pain and dry needling.
