8120 Woodmont Ave, Suite 200
Bethesda, MD 20814
Tel: 240.396.6946
Call Hours: M-F, 8am – 4pm (Est)
Fax: 301.656.0664
Email: info@myopainseminars.com
NOTE: The following course is not a Myopain Seminars or Eureka Seminars course. This course is managed by Alternative Healthcare Solutions and will be taught by Tom K. Ockler, PT at Myopain Seminars Headquarters in Bethesda, MD. Click here for additional information. To register for this course, do NOT contact Myopain Seminars, but click here.
For those of you who have taken Muscle Energy courses before and are still struggling . . . If you have never taken a Muscle Energy course because you heard it was too hard . . .
Muscle Energy Technique is one of the most effective and valuable manual techniques for the identification and correction of somatic asymmetry and hypomobility. These techniques can be used immediately to find and correct the causes of all types of pain. These are not cover-up procedures, but rather techniques that cure the problem with dramatic results.Unlike manipulative techniques, MET works via evidenced-based neuro-physiology using the muscle spindles to release tight muscles and decrease tone and excitability, thus restoring the bones and joints to normal mobility and returning them to symmetrical, smooth function. Due to the hands-on nature of this course, class size is limited to assure a very high-quality educational experience.
– Understand the basic concepts of muscles as they relate to the somatic dysfunctions
– Understand the overwhelming advantages of MET vs Manipulation
– Be familiar with muscle spindle structure as well as its neuro-faciliatory functions
– Be able to palpate a “barrier” and understand the physiologic significance
– Identify gait/stance asymmetries as they relate to somatic dysfunction
– Palpate the basic landmarks of the Pelvis, Sacrum, and Lumbar spine
– Evaluate the Pelvis, Sacrum, and Lumbar spine for asymmetry and hypomobility
– Decide on a proper sequence for treating a variety of somatic asymmetries
– Perform basic Muscle Energy Techniques for the Pelvis, Sacrum, and Lumbar spine
– Be able to dialog with patients about perpetuating factors and intercourse precautions
– Demonstrate basic stabilization exercises for Pelvic, Sacral and Lumbar dysfunctions
This two-day course involves a mix of theory, demonstration, and hands-on practice. Actual evaluations and treatments will be performed by each participant using the methods learned. Plenty of time is allotted for hands-on practice as well as questions and discussion.
Physical Therapists
Occupational Therapists
Physical Therapy Assistants
Licensed Massage Therapists
Osteopathic Physicians
Athletic Therapists and Trainers
Body Workers
7:30-8:00 am registration
Schedule overview
Definition of MET
History of MET
Goals of MET
MET vs Manipulations
Anatomy review
Muscle Spindle Physiology
Integration of the Spindle in MET
Palpation Lab, Boney Landmarks
Barrier Perception
Clearing the Long Restrictors of the Hip
Practice Lab
Lunch Break (½ hour)
Review of AM Session
Normal Biomechanics / Abnormal Biomechanics
Affect on Gait
Planes of Pelvic Dysfunction
Pathologic Vs Non-pathologic Dysfunction
Paradoxes Vs Non paradoxes
Treatment Sequencing
Four tests for Hypomobility
Evaluation for Asymmetry
Clinical Decision for Treatment Sequencing
Demo of All Pelvic Techniques
Practice All Pelvic Techniques
Lab for Evaluation and Treatment
Stabilization, perpetuating factors
Intercourse Precautions
Ligament Recoils
Closing and Homework
7:30-8:00 am registration
Review of previous session – Q & A
Anatomy of the sacrum
Lumbo-Sacral Biomechanics in normal and abnormal gait
Naming the sacral dysfunction
Osteopathic vs. non-Osteopathic terminology
Treatment demonstrations
Practice demonstrations
Evaluation and treatment sessions
Lunch Break (½ hour)
Review of Sacrum
Overview of the lumbar spine
Fryetts’ laws of spinal motion
Spinal biomechanics
Evaluation of spinal motion restrictions
Screening for hypomobility
Type I dysfunctions / Type II dysfunctions
Treatment of types I and II dysfunctions
Complete system review / Closing remarks
This course is approved for 16.5 CEUs by the Ohio Physical Therapy Association, Maryland CEUs are pending.
Individual states may vary due to their certification boards.
Click here for additional information.
Click here to register for “M1 – Muscle Energy Techniques for Pelvis, Sacrum, Lumbar Spine, and Muscles of the Hip.”
8120 Woodmont Ave, Suite 200
Bethesda, MD 20814
Tel: 240.396.6946
Call Hours: M-F, 8am – 4pm (Est)
Fax: 301.656.0664
Email: info@myopainseminars.com
Clinicians are eligible to be listed in the Find a Clinician directory when they complete one of the Myopain Seminars Course Certifications like the entire Dry Needling certification to become a CMTPT-Needling.
Clinicians are also eligible to be included if they have completed: