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Currently, the Contemporary Manual Therapy course series features the Cervical Spine course, but other courses are in development. Each course in the Contemporary Manual Therapy Program combines functional anatomy, biomechanics, and pain sciences to prepare clinicians to acquire expert-level manual therapy skills appropriate for the most common to the most challenging patients with spine disorders. Learn diagnosis-specific manual techniques with relevant motor learning methods.
This course series has been developed by Drs. Keith Poorbaugh PT, ScD, OCS, CMTPT, FAAOMPT and Francis Jung PT, DPT, OCS, COMT, Cert. MDT, CMTPT, FAAOMPT.
- Maryland State Board of Physical Therapy Examiners
The Eureka Seminars CMT courses have been approved by the Maryland State Board of Physical Therapy Examiners. See
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The Myopain Seminars Manual Trigger Point Therapy Course program consists of two courses: MTT-1 and MTT-2. During the course program, students will learn the detailed anatomy of over 100 muscles and various treatment techniques that are immediately applicable in the clinic. Note: this course program used to consist of three courses, but starting in the Fall of 2021, we no longer offer the MTT-3 course. We will make special arrangements for those students who already completed the MTT 1 and 2 courses and who would like to become certified in Manual Trigger Pointy Therapy. More to follow soon!
The MTT-1 and MTT-2 course can be taken in any order, but completion of both courses to take the certification examinations leading to the distinction of “Certified Myofascial Trigger Point Therapist / Manual” or CMTPT/MTT. The CMTPT certification qualifies clinicians to join the National Association of Myofascial Trigger Point Therapists (NAMTPT) at the professional level.
The MTT course program complements the Dry Needling Certification and is an ideal course for clinicians who want to enhance their palpation and manual treatment skills. Physical therapy assistants working with PTs, who use dry needling, will be better equipped to treat patients collaboratively. This course program is also geared toward massage therapists, neuromuscular therapists, and bodyworkers, among others.
Stew Wild is primarily responsible for the development of the Manual Trigger Point Therapy Course program.
Myopain Seminars is certified by the leading accrediting agencies from around the globe.
- Maryland State Board of Physical Therapy Examiners
The Eureka Seminars MTT courses have been approved by the Maryland State Board of Physical Therapy Examiners. See
- National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork
The National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork has awarded Myopain Seminars status as an Approved Provider, # 451467-10. The Fascial Manipulation® and Manual Trigger Point Therapy courses have been approved by the NCBTMB.
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Myopain Seminars offers several dry needling courses and programs. Our core program is the Dry Needling Certification Program, but we offer several other, more specialized, dry needling certification programs:
- Dry Needling Certification Program: DN-1, DN-2, and DN-3 courses with theoretical and practical examinations leading to the distinction of “Certified Myofascial Trigger Point Therapist / Dry Needling” or CMTPT/DN;
- Orofacial Dry Needling Certification Program: ODN-1 and ODN-2 courses with theoretical and practical examinations leading to the distinction of “Certified Myofascial Trigger Point Therapist/Orofacial Dry Needling” or CMTPT/ODN. The ODN courses are only available as private, corporate, or sponsored courses.
- Trigger Point Acupuncture – Dry Needling Certification Program: DNAc-1, DNAc-2 and DNAc-3 courses with theoretical and practical examinations leading to the distinction of “Certified Myofascial Trigger Point Therapist /Dry Needling Acupuncture” or CMTPT/DNAc;
- Dry Needling for Occupational Therapists Certification Program: DNOT-1 and DNOT-1 courses with theoretical and practical examinations leading to the distinction of “Certified Myofascial Trigger Point Therapist / Dry Needling” or CMTPT/DN.
In addition, Myopain Seminars offers several other foundation and advanced-level courses:
Foundation courses:
- Canine Dry Needling: CDN
- Equine Dry Needling (as soon as COVID is under better control……): EDN
- Webinars Dry Needling: WDN-1, WDN-2, WDN-3, and WDN-4
Advanced-level courses:
- Dry Needling for Pelvic Pain: DNPP – prerequisite: completion of one DN course
- Fu Subcutaneous Needling – American Version: FSN-AM – prerequisite: certification in Dry Needling by any course provider
- Mastery & Update Dry Needling: MUDN – prerequisite: completion of the CMTPT certification programs
- Advanced Dry Needling Dissection: DND – prerequisite: completion of any dry needling certification program. Contact us if you did not complete a DN program.
Myopain Seminars is certified by the leading accrediting agencies from around the globe.
- APTA of Maryland
Most Dry Needling (DN) courses offered in the past and present by Myopain Seminars have been approved by the APTA of Maryland, except courses offered to other disciplines, such as the canine and equine DN courses, the DN for OTs courses, and the Trigger Point Acupuncture – Dry Needling courses.. See
- Maryland State Board of Physical Therapy Examiners
Most Myopain Seminars Dry Needling courses have been approved by the Maryland State Board of Physical Therapy Examiners, except courses offered to other disciplines, such as the canine and equine DN courses, the DN for OTs courses, and the Trigger Point Acupuncture – Dry Needling courses. Many other states accept the accreditation by the Maryland State Board of Physical Therapy Examiners, such as Wisconsin, Kansas, and North Carolina, among many others. See
- Louisiana Board of Physical Therapy
The Myopain Seminars Dry Needling Certification Course Program has been approved by the Louisiana Board of Physical Therapy.
- Texas Physical Therapy Association
The Myopain Seminars Dry Needling Certification Course Program has been approved by the Texas Physical Therapy Association.
- Illinois Physical Therapy Association
The Myopain Seminars Dry Needling Certification Course Program has been approved by the Illinois Physical Therapy Association.
- APTA Tennessee
The Myopain Seminars Dry Needling Certification Course Program has been approved by the APTA Tennessee.
- American Association of Veterinary State Boards RACE committee
The American Association of Veterinary State Boards RACE committee has reviewed and approved the Canine Dry Needling program referenced above as meeting the Standards adopted by the AAVSB.
Program Number: 712-39873
Max Veterinary Hours approved: 16.00
Max Veterinary Hours available: 16.00
Max Veterinary Technician Hours approved: 16.00
Max Veterinary Technician Hours available: 16.00
Method of Delivery: Seminar/LectureLab/Wet Lab
RACE Category (ies):
Medical Program
This program will be included under your approved provider listing on AAVSB’s Website (
- National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
The National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine has recognized Myopain Seminars as an approved course provider. We are in the process of applying for course program approval for the Trigger Point Acupuncture – Dry Needling course.
NCCAOM PDA Provider # 844553
You can easily sign up for an entire series of courses at the same time. Simply click on the register button below and you can select consecutive courses, choose different locations, dates and more.
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Myopain Seminars and Eureka Seminars are collaborating with some of the world’s most renowned pelvic pain specialists:
- From the UK/Ireland, Gerard Greene MSc (Manipulative Physio, MMACP, MCSP, HCPC, PG Cert H Ed) teaches an outstanding 3-day course “Introduction to Men’s Health Physical Therapy” suitable for novices and experienced clinicians. Gerard comes from a fresh musculoskeletal orthopedic perspective. This course features sonography as a learning tool (students do not need to be familiar with sonography).
- From the UK/England, Dr. Jenny Wickford, PT, PhD and Matt Wyatt, MA teach a unique, not-to-be-missed 3-day “Pelvic Explorations, Dissection & Palpation” course at the Institute for Anatomical Research in Denver, CO.
- From the US, Blair Green, PT, DPT, OCS, PHC teaches a 3-day course “Dry Needling for Pelvic Pain,” designed with the pelvic health practitioner in mind.
“I’ve never been to a course with as much group engagement as this. Working with both males and females to assess and treat the PF was incredibly educational. Gerard Greene’s teaching style was very conducive to a comfortable and collaborative course.” – Holly Kock, DPT – Eugene, OR
Myopain Seminars is certified by the leading accrediting agencies from around the globe.
- APTA of Maryland
All Dry Needling (DN) courses offered in the past and present by Myopain Seminars have been approved by the APTA of Maryland. See
- Maryland State Board of Physical Therapy Examiners
The Myopain Seminars and Eureka Seminars Pelvic Pain courses have been approved by the Maryland State Board of Physical Therapy Examiners. See
You can easily sign up for an entire series of courses at the same time. Simply click on the register button below and you can select consecutive courses, choose different locations, dates and more.
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Compliance with therapeutic exercise programs is generally poor with over 70% of patients failing to perform their prescribed exercises. One of the many reasons for this poor compliance may be related to the frequent use of an internal focus exercise approach, which patients experience as boring, repetitive, pointless, and non-productive. This 2-day course will present an evidence-based alternative, integrating an external focus approach, fostering autonomy, positive expectations, and goal-action coupling.
While most clinicians employ a primarily internal focus approach in prescribing therapeutic exercise programs, the course “Exergaming – An Innovative Pain Management Approach” will challenge current belief systems about exercise and the way clinicians prescribe therapeutic exercise. The course integrates contemporary research, including the OPTIMAL Theory of Motor Learning, exergaming technology, and pain science into a new therapeutic conditioning and exercise method using primarily an external-focus exergaming approach that puts “fun” back into functional training.
Compared to regular exercise programs, directed at the performer’s own body movements, external focus programs, directed at the effects that movement has on the environment, have immediate beneficial effects on performance, retention, and transfer. Improvements are observed in movement effectiveness and efficiency, self-efficacy, confidence, automaticity of control, and overall cognitive function.
An external focus exergaming approach combined with the OPTIMAL Theory of Motor Learning provides a promising alternative to more commonly used internal focus therapeutic exercises.
Eureka Seminars is a brand of Myopain Seminars.
Myopain Seminars is certified by the leading accrediting agencies from around the globe.
- Maryland State Board of Physical Therapy Examiners
The Eureka Seminars course “Exergaming – An Innovative Pain Management Approach” has been approved by the Maryland State Board of Physical Therapy Examiners. See
You can easily sign up for an entire series of courses at the same time. Simply click on the register button below and you can select consecutive courses, choose different locations, dates and more.
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The CRAFTA® course program is unparalleled anywhere in the world in scope and focus. Developed by Dr. Harry von Piekartz, PT, PhD, CRAFTA® courses are very well known throughout Europe for their high quality, evidence-informed focus, and immediate applicability in clinical practice. The core course program consists of two main courses and an online module:
- CRAFTA 1a – Foundations Course (4 days)
- CRAFTA -OM – Foundations Course Online Module
- CRAFTA 1b – Foundations Course (4 days)
- CRAFTA 2a – Advanced Course (4 days)
- CRAFTA 2b – Advanced Course (4 days)
CRAFTA Special Topics Course (4 days)
CRAFTA Clinical Assessment CCA (online course)
Following the completion of the entire CRAFTA® program, students are invited to take theoretical and practical examinations to become CRAFTA – Certified.
The CRAFTA courses are designed for licensed physical therapists, dentists, speech pathologists, and physicians. Physical therapy assistants are not eligible to attend the CRAFTA courses. Medical residents and physical therapy residents are eligible.
The CRAFTA courses are a great way to prepare for the certification examinations toward becoming a Certified Cervical & Temporomandibular Therapist (CCTT) administered by the Physical Therapy Board of Craniofacial & Cervical Therapeutics. For more information about the PTBCCT and its certification examinations, click here.
Myopain Seminars is certified by the leading accrediting agencies from around the globe.
- Maryland State Board of Physical Therapy Examiners
The Eureka Seminars CRAFTA courses have been approved by the Maryland State Board of Physical Therapy Examiners. See
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