Myopain Seminars started as the Janet G. Travell, MD Seminar Series℠ course series in back in 1996. We introduced dry needling to Spain in 1996, to the US in 1997 and next, in many other countries. Here is our story.
Dr. Jan Dommerholt
Introduced Dry Needling to the USA in 1997

The Story Behind Myopain Seminars
Jan Dommerholt and Robert Gerwin started teaching Manual Trigger Point Therapy courses in the USA. Dr. Janet Travell would frequently attend the courses and meet with the students.
Dr. Janet Travell gave permission to honor her name and legacy for the new course program: The Janet G. Travell, MD Seminar Series℠ became a reality. We conducted the first dry needling courses in Spain.
Jan Dommerholt and Robert Gerwin started teaching the very first dry needling courses in the United States.
Jan Dommerholt started teaching dry needling courses in Ireland and continued teaching in Spain.
Jan Dommerholt started teaching dry needling courses in the Netherlands. He provided testimony in favor of dry needling during a meeting of the Virginia Board of Physical Therapy.
Myopain Seminars is founded. Jan Dommerholt started teaching dry needling courses in Italy. He testified in favor of dry needling to the Colorado Board of Regulations. Myopain Seminars is growing and starts adding new instructors.
Jan Dommerholt provided testimony during a meeting of the Maryland Board of Physical Therapy Examiners and the District of Columbia Board of Physical Therapy.
Jan Dommerholt taught a dry needling course for the Association of Tennis Professionals in London, UK.
The American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) invited Dr. Jan Dommerholt to participate in the APTA Dry Needling Workgroup along with several other physical therapists representing legislators, educators, insurance specialists, clinicians, and the APTA administrative staff.
Jan Dommerholt started teaching dry needling course for the Women Tennis Association. He testified to the Mississippi Board of Physical Therapy and the Mississippi State Board of Medical Licensure in favor of dry needling.
Jan Dommerholt started teaching dry needling courses in Dubai, UAE.
Jan Dommerholt started teaching dry needling courses in Peru and Canada. He received the prestigious Henry O. and Florence P. Kendall Practice Award from the American Physical Therapy Association.
Jan Dommerholt started teaching dry needling courses in India, Belgium Qatar, and Abu Dhabi. He testified at a Maryland Senate Health & Environmental Affairs Committee hearing in favor of dry needling. Myopain Seminars started offering several other course programs eventually under the brand name Eureka Seminars.
Jan Dommerholt started teaching dry needling courses in Australia. He received the Janet G. Travell Excellence in Education Award from the National Association of Myofascial Trigger Point Therapists. He testified in favor of dry needling during the Washington State Department of Health Dry Needling Sunrise Review.
Jan Dommerholt started teaching dry needling courses in Australia, Ecuador and Iran.
Jan Dommerholt testified during an Administrative Judicial hearing in Florida in favor of dry needling. The Iranian Physiotherapy Association honors Jan with an Honorary Membership.
Jan Dommerholt started teaching dry needling courses in Lebanon and Mexico. He also represented Myopain Seminars in Australia. Myopain Seminars has now over 75 instructors and assistant instructors.
National Partners
Myopain Seminars has many corporate partners in the United States.

International Partners
Myopain Seminars has partnered with healthcare and continuing education providers throughout the world.

Accrediting Agencies
Myopain Seminars is certified by several leading accreditation agencies.

Jan Dommerholt’s Publications
- Kumar, S. S., Kumar, A., Sannasi, R., Dommerholt, J., & Dsouza, G. A. (2024). Association between shoulder girdle muscles trigger points and frozen shoulder: a cross-sectional study. J Bodywork Movement Ther. 40;1605–1609. doi: 10.1016/j.jbmt.2024.08.017
- Ebrahimzadeh, M., Ansari, N. N., Abdollahi, I., Akhbari, B., & Dommerholt, J. (2024). Changes in Corticospinal Tract Consistency after Dry Needling in a Stroke Patient. Case Reports in Neurological Medicine, 1, 5115313. doi: 10.1155/2024/5115313
- Honarpishe, R., Naghdi, S., Ansari, N. N., Dommerholt, J., & Hassanabadi, M. 2024. The effect of ankle muscles dry needling on brain activity map based on fMRI: a Study Protocol for Randomized Controlled Trial. J Acupunct Meridian Stud, 17(3), 94-99. doi: 10.51507/j.jams.2024.17.3.94
- Hadizadeh, M., Rahimi, A., Javaherian, M., Velayati, M., Naderi, F., & Dommerholt, J. 2023. The effects of intramuscular electrical stimulation on clinical and sonographic parameters in the people with trigger points: a case series study. Archives of Rehabilitation, 24(3), 418-435. doi: 10.32598/rj.24.3.3653.1
- Nakhostin Ansari, N., Hasheminasab-Zavareh, F.-S., Naghdi, S., & Dommerholt, J. 2023. Effects of dry needling session frequency on wrist flexor spasticity and motor recovery after stroke: a single-blind randomized clinical trial. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 1-12. doi: 10.1080/09593985.2023.2254827
- Perreault T, Arendt-Nielson L, Fernández-de-las-Peñas C, Dommerholt J, Herrero P, Hubbard R. 2023. Intramuscular electrical stimulation for the treatment of trigger points in patients with chronic migraine: a protocol for a pilot study using a single-case experimental design. 59(8):1380. doi: 10.3390/medicina59081380
- Sannasi R, Dakshinamurthy A, Dommerholt J, Desai V, Kumar A, Sugavanam, T. 2023. Diaphragm and core stabilization exercises in low back pain: A narrative review.” J Bodywork Movement Ther 36: 221-227. doi: 10.1016/j.jbmt.2023.07.008
- Bahramian M, Dabbaghipour N, Aria A, Sajadi moghadam fard tehrani B, Dommerholt J. 2022. Efficacy of dry needling in treating scars following total hip arthroplasty: a case report. Med J Islamic Republic Iran, 36:120. 8-1212
- Okonski, T, J. Dommerholt. 2022. “Dry needling with electrical stimulation for the treatment of a pediatric patient with spastic cerebral palsy: a case report.” Exploration of Neuroprotective Therapy, 2:242–55. doi: 10.37349/ent.2022.00031
- Perreault, T., A. Ball, J. Dommerholt, R. Theiss, C. Fernández-de-las-Peñas, R. Butts. 2022. “Intramuscular Electrical Stimulation to Trigger Points: Insights into Mechanisms and Clinical Applications – A Scoping Review.” J Clin Med 11(20), 6039. doi: 10.3390/jcm11206039
- Dommerholt, J., R.D. Gerwin. 2022. “Contracture Knots vs. Trigger Points. Comment on Ball et al. Ultrasound Confirmation of the Multiple Loci Hypothesis of the Myofascial Trigger Point and the Diagnostic Importance of Specificity in the Elicitation of the Local Twitch Response.” Diagnostics 2022, 12, 321. Diagnostics (Basel, Switzerland), 12(10), 2365. doi: 10.3390/diagnostics12102365
- Kharaji, G., M.Bahramian, N. Dabbaghipour, Molaeinezhad, J. Dommerholt and M .Mehrad: Physical therapy and dry needling for erectile dysfunction and impaired penile sensation following reconstructive surgeries of the penis; a case report. Int Clin Neurosci J [Internet]. 2022 Sep.4
- Pourahmadi, M., M. Sahebalam, J. Dommerholt, S. Delavari, M. A. Mohseni-Bandpei, A. Keshtkar, C. Fernández-de-Las-Peñas, and M. A. Mansournia. 2022. “Spinopelvic Alignment and Low Back Pain after Total Hip Arthroplasty: A Scoping Review.” BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 23 (1). do1: 10.1186/s12891-022-05154-7.
- Perreault, T., M. Cummings, J. Dommerholt, D. Hayes, and J. Hobbs. 2022. “Periosteal Needling to the Cervical Articular Pillars as an Adjunct Intervention for Treatment of Chronic Neck Pain and Headache: A Case Report.” Applied Sciences (Switzerland) 12 (6). doi: 10.3390/app12063122.
- Ghayour Najafabadi M, Shariat A, Dommerholt J, Hakakzadeh A, Nakhostin-Ansari,A, Selk-Ghaffari M, Ingle L, Cleland JA. 2022 “Aquatic Therapy for improving Lower Limbs Function in Post-stroke Survivors: A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis.” Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation. 1-17. doi: 10.1080/10749357.2021.1929011
- Muñoz , M., J. Dommerholt, S. Pérez-Palomares, P. Herrero, and S. Calvo. 2022. “Dry Needling and Antithrombotic Drugs.” Pain Research and Management https://doi: 10.1155/2022/1363477.
- Hadizadeh, M., A. Rahimi, M. Javaherian, M. Velayati, and J. Dommerholt. 2021. “The Efficacy of Intramuscular Electrical Stimulation in the Management of Patients with Myofascial Pain Syndrome: A Systematic Review.” Chiropractic and Manual Therapies 29 (1). doi: 10.1186/s12998-021-00396-z.
- Khalifeloo, M., S. Naghdi, N. N. Ansari, J. Dommerholt, and M. A. Sahraian. 2022. “Dry Needling for the Treatment of Muscle Spasticity in a Patient with Multiple Sclerosis: A Case Report.” Physiotherapy Theory and Practice. doi: 10.1080/09593985.2021.1978118.
- Pourahmadi, M., J. Dommerholt, C. Fernández-De-Las-Peñas, B. W. Koes, M. A. Mohseni-Bandpei, M. A. Mansournia, S. Delavari, A. Keshtkar, and M. Bahramian. 2021. “Dry Needling for the Treatment of Tension-Type, Cervicogenic, or Migraine Headaches: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.” Physical Therapy 101 (5). doi: 10.1093/ptj/pzab068.
- Tavakol, Z., A. Shariat, N. N. Ansari, S. Ghannadi, R. Honarpishe, J. Dommerholt, P. Noormohammadpour, and L. Ingle. 2021. “A Double-Blind Randomized Controlled Trial for the Effects of Dry Needling on Upper Limb Dysfunction in Patients with Stroke.” Acupuncture and Electro-Therapeutics Research 45 (2-4):115-124. doi: 10.3727/036012921X16112663844923.
- Mohammadpour, F., M. Ali Oghabian, N. Nakhostin Ansari, S. Naghdi, and J. Dommerholt. 2021. “Effects of Dry Needling on Post-Stroke Brain Activity and Muscle Spasticity of the Upper Limb: a case report.” Acupuncture in Medicine 39 (1):69-71. doi: 10.1177/0964528420920294.
- Ghayour Najafabadi, M., A. Shariat, J. Dommerholt, A. Hakakzadeh, A. Nakhostin-Ansari, M. Selk-Ghaffari, L. Ingle, and J. A. Cleland. 2021. “Aquatic Therapy for Improving Lower Limbs Function in Post-stroke Survivors: A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis.” Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation. doi: 10.1080/10749357.2021.1929011.
- Haddadi Esfahani, N., J. Dommerholt, and Z. Sadat Rezaeian. 2021. “Core Muscles Endurance in Sedentary Staffs with and without nonspecific Chronic Low Back Pain: A cross-sectional study.” Muscles, Ligaments and Tendons Journal 11 (1):136-150. doi: 10.32098/mltj.01.2021.15.
- Alaei, P., N. N. Ansari, S. Naghdi, Z. Fakhari, S. Komesh, and J. Dommerholt. “Dry Needling for Hamstring Flexibility: A Single-Blind Randomized Controlled Trial.” Journal of Sport Rehabilitation 30 (3):452-457. doi: 10.1123/JSR.2020-0111.
- Dommerholt, J., O. Mayoral, and J. N. Thorp. 2021. “A Critical Overview of the Current Myofascial Pain Literature – January 2021.” Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies 25:261-271. doi: 10.1016/j.jbmt.2020.12.044.
- Dommerholt, J., J. N. Thorp, T. Hooks, and O. Mayoral. 2020. “A Critical Overview of the Current Myofascial Pain Literature – October 2020.” Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies 24 (4):468-478. doi: 10.1016/j.jbmt.2020.10.001.
- Dommerholt J. 2020. “How Have the Views on Myofascial Pain and its Treatment Evolved in the past 20 Years? From Spray and Stretch and Injections to Pain Science, Dry Needling and Fascial Treatments.” Pain Management 10(2):63‐66, doi:10.2217/pmt-2019-0055
- Almaee Nejad, F., J. Dommerholt, B. Attarbashi Moghadam, A. Shadmehr, and Z. Khazaei Pour. 2020. “Impact of Physical Therapists’ Instructions on Function and the Perception of Post-Dry Needling Soreness in Mechanical Cervical Pain; A Randomized Clinical Trial.” Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies 24 (4):118-123. doi: 10.1016/j.jbmt.2020.06.023.
- Dommerholt, J., T. Hooks, J. N. Thorp, and L. W. Chou. 2020. ” A Critical Overview of the Current Myofascial Pain Literature – July 2020.” Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies 24 (3):307-320. doi: 10.1016/j.jbmt.2020.07.001.
- Ghannadi, S., A. Shariat, N. N. Ansari, Z. Tavakol, R. Honarpishe, J. Dommerholt, P. Noormohammadpour, and L. Ingle. 2020. “The Effect of Dry Needling on Lower Limb Dysfunction in Poststroke Survivors.” Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases 29 (6). doi: 10.1016/j.jstrokecerebrovasdis.2020.104814.
- Dommerholt, J., J. N. Thorp, L. W. Chou, and T. Hooks. 2020. ” A Critical Overview of the Current Myofascial Pain Literature – January 2020.” Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies 24 (2):213-224. doi: 10.1016/j.jbmt.2020.04.001.
- Ansari, N. N., P. Alaei, S. Naghdi, Z. Fakhari, S. Komesh, and J. Dommerholt. “Immediate Effects of Dry Needling as a Novel Strategy for Hamstring Flexibility: A Single-Blinded Clinical Pilot Study.” Journal of Sport Rehabilitation 29 (2):156-161. doi: 10.1123/JSR.2018-0013.
- Pourahmadi, M., M. Asadi, J. Dommerholt, and A. Yeganeh. 2020. “Changes in the Macroscopic Morphology of Hip Muscles in Low Back Pain.” Journal of Anatomy 236 (1):3-20. doi: 10.1111/joa.13086.
- Dommerholt, J., L. W. Chou, T. Hooks, and J. N. Thorp. 2019. “Myofascial Pain and Treatment: Editorial A Critical Overview of the Current Myofascial Pain Literature – August 2019.” Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies 23 (4):773-784. doi: 10.1016/j.jbmt.2019.10.001.
- Dommerholt, J. Mayberry, N. and Sickel, M. 2019 “Physiotherapie mit externem Fokus” (in German: Physical Therapy with an external Focus). Schmerzpatient 2019; 2(04): 178-187, doi: 10.1055/a-0994-9718
- Pourahmadi, M., M. A. Mohseni-Bandpei, A. Keshtkar, B. W. Koes, C. Fernández-De-Las-Peñas, J. Dommerholt, and M. Bahramian. 2019. “Effectiveness of Dry needling for Improving Pain and Disability in Adults with Tension-Type, Cervicogenic, or Migraine Headaches: Protocol for a Systematic Review.” Chiropractic and Manual Therapies 27 (1). doi: 10.1186/s12998-019-0266-7.
- Dommerholt, J., T. Hooks, L. W. Chou, and M. Finnegan. 2019. “Myofascial Pain and Treatment: Editorial.” Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies 23 (3):521-531. doi: 10.1016/j.jbmt.2019.06.009.
- Dommerholt, J., C. Fernández-de-las-Peñas, and S. M. Petersen. “Needling: Is There a Point?” Journal of Manual and Manipulative Therapy 27 (3):125-127. doi: 10.1080/10669817.2019.1620049.
- Ball, A. M., M. Finnegan, S. Koppenhaver, W. Freres, J. Dommerholt, O. Mayoral del Moral, C. Bron, R. Moore, E. E. Ball, and E. E. Gaffney. 2019. “The Relative Risk to the Femoral Nerve as a Function of Patient Positioning: Potential Implications for Trigger Point Dry Needling of the Iliacus Muscle.” Journal of Manual and Manipulative Therapy 27 (3):162-171. doi: 10.1080/10669817.2019.1568699.
- Esfahani NH, Rezaeian ZS, Dommerholt J. 2019 “The Number of Repetitions of the McGill Tests to Reliably Determine Core Muscle Endurance in Subjects with and without Chronic Nonspecific Low Back Pain: A cross sectional study.” Medical Science 23(98), 452-461
- Dommerholt, J., L. W. Chou, M. Finnegan, and T. Hooks. 2019. ” A Critical Overview of the Current Myofascial Pain Literature – February 2019.” Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies 23 (2):295-305. doi: 10.1016/j.jbmt.2019.02.017.
- Ershad, N., N. N. Ansari, S. Naghdi, K. Otadi, E. Gorji, and J. Dommerholt. 2019. “The Effects of Dry Needling as a Novel Recovery Strategy on Quadriceps Muscle Fatigue: A Pilot Study.” Journal of Iranian Medical Council 2 (6):215-221.
- Dommerholt, J., T. Hooks, L. W. Chou, and M. Finnegan. 2019. ” A Critical Overview of the Current Myofascial Pain Literature – November 2018.” Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies 23 (1):65-73. doi: 10.1016/j.jbmt.2018.11.002.
- Whiteford, C. M., L. Steinbeck, and J. Dommerholt. 2018. “On “Clinical Practice Guideline for Physical Therapy Assessment and Treatment in Patients With Nonspecific Neck Pain,” Bier JD, Scholten-Peeters WGM, Staal JB, et al. Phys Ther. 2018;98:162-171.” Physical Therapy 98 (9):819-820. doi: 10.1093/PTJ/PZY078.
- Dommerholt, J., M. Finnegan, T. Hooks, and L. W. Chou. 2018. ” A Critical Overview of the Current Myofascial Pain Literature – July 2018.” Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies 22 (3):673-684. doi: 10.1016/j.jbmt.2018.06.005.
- Fernández-De-Las-Peñas, C., and J. Dommerholt. “Response to Weisman et al.” Pain Medicine (United States) 19 (6):1296-1298. doi: 10.1093/pm/pny013.
- Dommerholt, J., L. W. Chou, M. Finnegan, and T. Hooks. 2018. ” A Critical Overview of the Current Myofascial Pain Literature – April 2018.” Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies 22 (2):402-410. doi: 10.1016/j.jbmt.2018.04.001.
- Fernández-de-las-Peñas, C., and J. Dommerholt. “International Consensus on Diagnostic Criteria and Clinical Considerations of Myofascial Trigger Points: A Delphi Study.” Pain Medicine (United States) 19 (1):142-150. doi: 10.1093/pm/pnx207.
- Dommerholt, J., T. Hooks, L. W. Chou, and M. Finnegan. 2018. ” A Critical Overview of the Current Myofascial Pain Literature – January 2018.” Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies 22 (1):184-191. doi: 10.1016/j.jbmt.2017.12.011.
- Dommerholt, J., M. Finnegan, T. Hooks, and L. W. Chou. 2017. ” A Critical Overview of the Current Myofascial Pain Literature – October 2017.” Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies 21 (4):902-913. doi: 10.1016/j.jbmt.2017.08.002.
- Dommerholt, J., L. W. Chou, M. Finnegan, and T. Hooks. 2017. ” A Critical Overview of the Current Myofascial Pain Literature – June 2017.” Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies 21 (3):673-683. doi: 10.1016/j.jbmt.2017.05.003.
- Dommerholt, J., R. Grieve, T. Hooks, and M. Finnegan. 2017. ” A Critical Overview of the Current Myofascial Pain Literature – March 2017.” Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies 21 (2):378-385. doi: 10.1016/j.jbmt.2017.02.001.
- Dommerholt, J., and R. Stanborough. 2017. “Re: “Evidence that dry needling is the intent to bypass regulation to practice acupuncture in the United States” by Fan et al. (J Altern Complement Med 2016;22:591-593).” Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 23 (2):149-150. doi: 10.1089/acm.2016.0393.
- Dommerholt, J. 2017. ” A Critical Overview of the Current Myofascial Pain Literature – January 2017.” Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies 21 (1):141-147. doi: 10.1016/j.jbmt.2016.11.005.
- Cerezo-Téllez, E., M. Torres-Lacomba, O. Mayoral-del Moral, B. Sánchez-Sánchez, J. Dommerholt, and C. Gutiérrez-Ortega. 2016. “Prevalence of Myofascial Pain Syndrome in Chronic Non-Specific Neck Pain: A Population-Based Cross-Sectional Descriptive Study.” Pain Medicine (United States) 17 (12):2369-2377. doi: 10.1093/pm/pnw114.
- Dommerholt, J., and R. Stanborough. 2016. “Re: “dry Needling Is One Type of Acupuncture” by Zhu and Most (Med Acupunct. 2016;28(4):184-193).” Medical Acupuncture 28 (5):287-288. doi: 10.1089/acu.2016.29031.dom.
- Dommerholt, J., M. Finnegan, T. Hooks, and R. Grieve. 2016. ” A Critical Overview of the Current Myofascial Pain Literature – September 2016.” Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies 20 (4):879-892. doi: 10.1016/j.jbmt.2016.09.010.
- Dommerholt, J., R. Grieve, M. Finnegan, and T. Hooks. 2016. ” A Critical Overview of the Current Myofascial Pain Literature – July 2016.” Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies 20 (3):657-671. doi: 10.1016/j.jbmt.2016.07.009.
- Dommerholt, J., T. Hooks, M. Finnegan, and R. Grieve. 2016. ” A Critical Overview of the Current Myofascial Pain Literature – March 2016.” Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies 20 (2):397-408. doi: 10.1016/j.jbmt.2016.02.015.
- Mahmoudzadeh, A., Z. S. Rezaeian, A. Karimi, and J. Dommerholt. “The Effect of Dry Needling on the Radiating Pain in Subjects with Discogenic Low‑Back Pain: A Randomized Control Trial.” Journal of Research in Medical Sciences 21 (1). doi: 10.4103/1735-1995.192502.
- Dommerholt, J., M. Finnegan, R. Grieve, and T. Hooks. 2016. ” A Critical Overview of the Current Myofascial Pain Literature – January 2016.” Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies 20 (1):156-167. doi: 10.1016/j.jbmt.2015.12.014.
- Dommerholt, J., R. Grieve, T. Hooks, and M. Layton. 2015. ” A Critical Overview of the Current Myofascial Pain Literature – October 2015.” Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies 19 (4):736-746. doi: 10.1016/j.jbmt.2015.09.003.
- Dommerholt, J. 2015. “Book Review – Stecco, C 2015 Functional Atlas of the Human Fascial System.” Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies 19:679-680. doi: 10.1016/j.jbmt.2015.06.010.
- Fernández-de-las-Peñas, C., M. Layton, and J. Dommerholt. “Dry Needling for the Management of Thoracic Spine Pain.” Journal of Manual and Manipulative Therapy 23 (3):147-153. doi: 10.1179/2042618615Y.0000000001.
- Dommerholt, J., T. Hooks, R. Grieve, and M. Layton. 2015. “A Critical Overview of the Current Myofascial Pain Literature – July 2015.” Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies 19 (3):482-493. doi: 10.1016/j.jbmt.2015.05.003.
- Dommerholt, J., and R. D. Gerwin. 2015. “A Critical Evaluation of Quintner et. al: Missing the Point.” Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies 19 (2):193-204. doi: 10.1016/j.jbmt.2015.01.009.
- Lluch E, Mayoral O, Cagnie B, Dommertholt, J and Gerwin R: e-letter on: A critical evaluation of the trigger point phenomenon. Rheumatology, 2015: March 11, 2015
- Dommerholt, J., M. Layton, T. Hooks, and R. Grieve. 2015. ” A Critical Overview of the Current Myofascial Pain Literature – March 2015.” Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies 19 (2):337-349. doi: 10.1016/j.jbmt.2015.01.003.
- Dommerholt, J., R. Grieve, M. Layton, and T. Hooks. 2015. “An Evidence-Informed Review of the Current Myofascial Pain Literature – January 2015.” Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies 19 (1):126-137. doi: 10.1016/j.jbmt.2014.11.006.
- Brady, S., J. McEvoy, J. Dommerholt, and C. Doody. 2014. “Adverse Events Following Trigger Point Dry Needling: A Prospective Survey of Chartered Physiotherapists.” Journal of Manual and Manipulative Therapy 22 (3):134-140. doi: 10.1179/2042618613Y.0000000044.
- Fernández-De-Las-Peñas, C., and J. Dommerholt. “Myofascial Trigger Points: Peripheral or Central hPenomenon?” Current Rheumatology Reports 16 (1). doi: 10.1007/s11926-013-0395-2.
- Oostendorp, R. A. B., G. M. Rutten, J. Dommerholt, M. W. Nijhuis-Van Der Sanden, and J. Harting. 2013. “Guideline-Based Development and Practice Test of Quality Indicators for Physiotherapy Care in Patients with Neck Pain.” Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 19 (6):1044-1053. doi: 10.1111/jep.12025.
- Dommerholt, . 2014. “Myofascial Pain Syndrome – Trigger Points.” Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain 22(1):111-117
- Dommerholt, J and C. Bron. 2013. “Myofascial Pain Syndrome – Trigger Points.” Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain 21(4):376–384. doi: 10.3109/10582452.2013.863261
- Dommerholt, J and C. Bron. 2013. “Myofascial Pain Syndrome – Trigger Points.” Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain 21(3):281–294. doi: 10.3109/10582452.2013.827290’
- Dommerholt, J and C. Bron. 2013. “Myofascial Pain Syndrome – Trigger Points.” Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain 21(2):183–195. doi: 10.3109/10582452.2013.796337
- Dommerholt, J and C. Bron 2013. “Myofascial Pain Syndrome – Trigger Points.” Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain 21(1):83–96. doi: 10.3109/10582452.2013.770423
- Dommerholt, J and C. Bron. 2012. “Myofascial Pain Syndrome – Trigger Points.” Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain 20(4):321-330. doi: 10.3109/10582452.2012.741189
- Bron, C., and J. Dommerholt. 2012. “Etiology of myofascial trigger points.” Current Pain and Headache Reports 16 (5):439-444. doi: 10.1007/s11916-012-0289-4.
- Dommerholt, J and C. Bron. 2012. “Myofascial Pain Syndrome – Trigger Points.” Journal of Musculoskeletal 2012;20(3):226-234. doi: 10.3109/10582452.2012.712088
- Dommerholt, J and C. Bron. 2012. “Myofascial Pain Syndrome – Trigger Points.” Journal of Musculoskeletal 20(2):140-146. doi: 10.3109/10582452.2012.687440
- Dommerholt, J and C. Bron. 2012. “Myofascial Pain Syndrome – Trigger Points.”Journal of Musculoskeletal 20(1):60-67. doi: 10.3109/10582452.2011.644395
- Dommerholt, J. 2011. “Dry Needling – Peripheral and Central Considerations.” Journal of Manual and Manipulative Therapy 19 (4):223-237. doi: 10.1179/106698111X13129729552065.
- Bron, C., J.B. Staal, J. Dommerholt: Letter to the Editor regarding Papadonikolakis, A., M. McKenna, W. Warme, B.I. Martin, and F.A. Matsen: Published Evidence Relevant to the Diagnosis of Impingement Syndrome of the Shoulder. J Bone Joint Surg 2011, 93(19):1827-1832
- Dommerholt, J. 2011. “Myofascial Pain Syndrome: Trigger Points.” Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain 19 (4):233-240. doi: 10.3109/10582452.2011.615462.
- Dommerholt, J. 2011. “Myofascial Pain Syndrome: Trigger Points.” Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain 19 (3):171-177. doi: 10.3109/10582452.2011.587635.
- Bron, C., J. Dommerholt, B. Stegenga, M. Wensing, and R. A. Oostendorp. 2011. “High Prevalence of Shoulder Girdle Muscles with Myofascial Trigger Points in Patients with Shoulder Pain.” BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders doi: 10.1186/1471-2474-12-139.
- Dommerholt, J. 2011. “Myofascial Pain Syndrome: Trigger Points.” Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain 19 (2):105-112. doi: 10.3109/10582452.2011.562624.
- Bron, C., A. De Gast, J. Dommerholt, B. Stegenga, M. Wensing, and R. A. B. Oostendorp. 2011. “Treatment of Myofascial Trigger Points in Patients with Chronic Shoulder Pain: A Randomized, Controlled Trial.” BMC Medicine doi: 10.1186/1741-7015-9-8.
- Dommerholt, J. 2011. “Myofascial Pain Syndrome: Trigger Points.” Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain 19 (1):39-46. doi: 10.3109/10582452.2010.538827.
- Dommerholt, J, C. Bron C, and J.L.M. Franssen. 2011. Myofasziale Triggerpunkte; Evidenzbasierter Review. Manuelle Therapie 15: 1-13. doi: 10.1055/s-0029-1246052
- Dommerholt, J. 2010. “Myofascial Pain Syndrome: Trigger Points.” Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain 18 (3):304-310. doi: 10.3109/10582452.2010.502635.
- Dommerholt, J: “Obituary David G. Simons, MD – A New Adventure.” Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain 2010, 14:303. doi: 10.1016/j.jbmt.2010.04.007
- Dommerholt, J. 2010. “Myofascial Pain Syndrome: Trigger Points.” Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain 18 (3):297-303. doi: 10.3109/10582452.2010.502622.
- Dommerholt, J: Intramuscular Manual Therapy (IMT) – aka Dry Needling. Articulations, 2010;12-13
- Dommerholt, J. 2010. “Performing Arts Medicine – Instrumentalist Musicians: Part III – Case Histories.” Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies 14 (2):127-138. doi: 10.1016/j.jbmt.2009.02.005.
- Dommerholt, J. 2010. “Myofascial pain syndrome-trigger points.” Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain 18 (1):94-100. doi: 10.3109/10582450903496054.
- Dommerholt, J. 2010. “Performing Arts Medicine – Instrumentalist Musicians, Part II – Examination.” Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies 14 (1):65-72. doi: 10.1016/j.jbmt.2009.02.004.
- Bron, C, J. Dommerholt, and J.L.M. Franssen. 2009. “Myofasciale triggerpoints.” Physios 1:12-19
- Dommerholt, J. 2009. “Myofascial Pain Syndrome: Trigger Points.” Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain 17 (4):423-431. doi: 10.3109/10582450903284711.
- Dommerholt, J. 2009. “Myofascial Pain Syndrome: Trigger Points.” Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain 17 (3):309-318. doi: 10.1080/10582450903088138.
- Dommerholt, J. 2009. “Performing Arts Medicine – Instrumentalist Musicians Part I – General Considerations.” Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies 13 (4):311-319. doi: 10.1016/j.jbmt.2009.02.003.
- Dommerholt, J. 2009. “Myofascial Pain Syndrome: Trigger Points.” Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain 17 (2):202-209. doi: 10.1080/10582450902816422.
- Dommerholt, J. 2009. “Myofascial Pain Syndrome: Trigger Points.” Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain 17 (1):97-102. doi: 10.1080/10582450802675928.
- Dommerholt, J. 2008. “Reply to Peter Dorsher’s Letter to the Editor.” Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain 16 (4):349-351. doi: 10.1080/10582450802479693.
- Dommerholt, J. 2008 The “Dry Needling Issue.” Qi Unity, July 2008
- Dommerholt, J., and D. G. Simons. 2008. “Myofascial Pain Syndrome—Trigger Points.” Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain 16 (3):211-228. doi: 10.1080/10582450802162059.
- Dommerholt, J, C. Bron, J.L.M. Franssen. “Myofasciale pijn: een evidence-informed review” (in Dutch: Myofascial trigger points; an evidence-informed review]. Tijdschrift Manuele Therapie 5(1):16-28
- Dommerholt, J. 2008. “Innovation ahead of the curve.” Impact 4:14-15
- Dommerholt, J., and D. G. Simons. 2007. “Myofascial Pain Syndrome: Trigger Points.” Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain 15 (4):83-95. doi: 10.1300/J094v15n04_10.
- Dommerholt, J., and D. G. Simons. 2007. “Myofascial Pain Syndrome: Trigger Points.” Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain 15 (3):73-81. doi: 10.1300/J094v15n03_10.
- Simons, D. G., and J. Dommerholt. 2007. “Myofascial Pain Syndrome: Trigger Points.” Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain 15 (2):69-84. doi: 10.1300/J094v15n02_11.
- Simons, D. G., and J. Dommerholt. 2007. “Myofascial Pain Syndrome: Trigger Points.” Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain 15 (1):63-79. doi: 10.1300/J094v15n01_08.
- Dommerholt, J. 2007. Book Review – Acupuncture, Trigger points and Musculoskeletal Pain; A scientific approach to acupuncture for use by doctors and physiotherapists in the diagnosis and management of myofascial trigger point pain. Third Edition. Baldry. Elsevier, Churchill Livingstone, 2005. Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain 15(2):92-93.
- Dommerholt, J., C. Bron, and J. Franssen. 2006. “Mięśniowo-powięziowe punkty spustowe– przegląd uwzględniający dowody naukowe” [in Polish: Myofascial trigger points; an evidence-informed review, translated by Wojciech Turaj]. Rehabilitacja Medyczna 10 (4):39-56.
- Simons, D. G., and J. Dommerholt. 2006. “Myofascial Pain Syndrome: Trigger Points.” Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain 14 (3):69-77. doi: 10.1300/J094v14n03_09.
- Simons, D. G., and J. Dommerholt. 2006. “Myofascial Pain Syndrome: Trigger Points.” Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain 14(2):59-64. doi: 10.1300/J094v14n02_08.
- Simons, D. G., and J. Dommerholt. 2006. “Myofascial Pain Syndrome: Trigger Points.” Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain 14 (1):57-66. doi: 10.1300/J094v14n01_09.
- Dommerholt, J., C. Bron, and J. Franssen. 2006. “Myofascial trigger points: An evidence-informed review.” Journal of Manual and Manipulative Therapy 14 (4):203-221. doi: 10.1179/106698106790819991.
- Dommerholt, J, O. Mayoral, C. Gröbli. “Trigger Point Dry Needling.” Journal of Manual and Manipulative Therapy 14(4):E70-E87. doi: 10.1179/jmt.2006.14.4.70E
- Simons, D. G., and J. Dommerholt. “Myofascial pain syndromes – Trigger points.” Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain 13 (4):39-48. doi: 10.1300/J094v13n04_08.
- Dommerholt, J, C. Bron, J. Franssen. 2005. “Myofasciale triggerpoints; een aanvulling.” [in Dutch: Myofascial Trigger Points; Additional Remarks]. Fysiopraxis November:36-41
- Simons, D. G., and J. Dommerholt. “Myofascial Pain Syndromes–Trigger Points.” Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain 13 (3): 63-74. doi: 10.1300/J094v13n03_08.
- Simons, D. G., and J. Dommerholt. “Myofascial Pain Syndromes–Trigger Points.” Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain 13 (2): 53-64. doi: 10.1300/J094v13n02_09.
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- Dommerholt, J. 2005. “Persistent myalgia following whiplash.” Current Pain and Headache Reports 9 (5):326-330. doi: 10.1007/s11916-005-0008-5.
- Dommerholt, J. 21005. “Physical Therapy in an Interdisciplinary Pain Management Center.” The Pain Practitioner 14(3):32-36
- Simons, D. G., and J. Dommerholt. “Myofascial Pain Syndromes—Trigger Points.” Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain 12 (2):45-58. doi: 10.1300/J094v12n02_06.
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- Dommerholt, J. 2004. “Complex regional pain syndrome – 2: Physical therapy management.” Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies 8 (4):241-248. doi: 10.1016/S1360-8592(03)00101-3.
- Dommerholt, J. 2004. “Complex regional pain syndrome – 1: History, diagnostic criteria and etiology.” Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies 8 (3):167-177. doi: 10.1016/S1360-8592(03)00100-1.
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- Chaitow, L., Z. Comeaux, J. Dommerholt, E. Ernst, P. Gibbons, J. Hannon, D. Lewis, and C. Liebenson. 2004. “Effectiveness of Manipulation in the Treatment of Low Back Pain: Validity of the Conclusions in Meta-Analyses.” Osteopathische Medizin 5 (2):13-19.
- Dommerholt, J. 2004. Dry Needling in Orthopedic Physical Therapy Practice. Orthopedic Physical Therapy Practice 16(3):15-20
- Gerwin, R. D., J. Dommerholt, and J. P. Shah. 2004. “An Expansion of Simons’ Integrated Hypothesis of Trigger Point Formation.” Current Pain and Headache Reports 8 (6):468-475. doi: 10.1007/s11916-004-0069-x.
- Chaitow, L., Z. Comeaux, J. Dommerholt, E. Ernst, P. Gibbons, J. Hannon, D. Lewis, and C. Liebenson. 2004. “Efficacy of Manipulation in Low Back Pain Treatment: The Validity of Meta-Analysis Conclusions.” Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies 8 (1):25-31. doi: 10.1016/S1360-8592(03)00078-0.
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Book Chapters
- Dommerholt, J: Trigger Point Therapy from a Contemporary Pain Science Perspective. In: Schleip, R. T. Finley, C. Stecco, and P. Huijing: Fascia: The Tensional Network of the Human Body: The science and clinical applications in manual and movement therapy Edinburgh, Churchill Livingstone, 2022: Chapter 7.2:422-429
- Dommerholt, J. and N. Mayberry: Hypo- and Hypermobility. In: Schleip R., J. Wilke, and A. Baker: Fascia in Sport and Movement 2nd edition. Pencaitland, Handspring Publishing. 2021: Chapter 7:77-95
- Helgeson, K, E. Shelly, J. Dommerholt, and N. Mayberry: Soft Tissue, and Bone Disorders. In: C. Goodwin and K.S. Fuller: Pathology; Implications for the Physical Therapist. Elsevier. 5th Edition, Section 3, Pathology of the Musculoskeletal System, 2021: Chapter 27: 1247-1318
- Dommerholt, J.: Préface. In: Dry Needling, Points Trigger Myofasciaux; Diagnostic et traitement fondés sur la littérature scientifique. Éditions ArtThema, 2019
- Fernández de las Peñas, C and J. Dommerholt: Basic concepts of myofascial trigger points. In: Dommerholt, J and C. Fernández de las Peñas: Trigger Point Dry Needling – an evidence-based approach. 2nd edition Edinburgh, Elsevier. 2018: Chapter 1:1-19
- Dommerholt, J and C. Fernández de las Peñas: Proposed mechanisms and effects of trigger point dry needling. In: Dommerholt, J and C. Fernández de las Peñas: Trigger Point Dry Needling – an evidence-based approach. 2nd edition. Edinburgh, Elsevier. 2018: Chapter 2:21-30
- Fernández de las Peñas, C, J.L. Arias-Buría, and J. Dommerholt: Dry Needling for Fascia, Scar and Tendon. In: Dommerholt, J and C. Fernández de las Peñas: Trigger Point Dry Needling – an evidence-based approach. 2nd Edition. Edinburgh, Elsevier. 2018: Chapter 3:31-41
- Dommerholt, J: Dry needling across different disciplines. In: Dommerholt, J and C. Fernández de las Peñas: Trigger Point Dry Needling – an evidence-based approach. 2nd Edition. Edinburgh, Elsevier. 2018: Chapter 6:73-78
- Finnegan, M. J. Dommerholt, and C. Fernández de las Peñas: Deep dry needling of the trunk muscles. In: Dommerholt, J and C. Fernández de las Peñas: Trigger Point Dry Needling – an evidence-based approach. 2nd Edition. Edinburgh, Elsevier. 2018: Chapter 10:133-154
- Mayoral-del Moral, O., M. Torres-Lacomba and J. Dommerholt: Deep dry needling of the leg and foot muscles. In: Dommerholt, J and C. Fernández de las Peñas: Trigger Point Dry Needling – an evidence-based approach. 2nd Edition. Edinburgh, Elsevier. 2018: Chapter 12:179-195
- Fernández de las Peñas, C, A. Isabel-de-la-Llave-Rincón, R. Ortega-Santiago, B.Torres-Chica, and J. Dommerholt: Deep dry needling of the head and neck muscles. In: Dommerholt, J and C. Fernández de las Peñas: Trigger Point Dry Needling – an evidence-based approach. 2nd Edition. Edinburgh, Elsevier. 2018: Chapter 7:79-104
- Bron, C., J.L.M. Franssen, B.T.M. Beersma, and J. Dommerholt: Deep dry needling of the shoulder muscles. In: Dommerholt, J and C. Fernández de las Peñas: Trigger Point Dry Needling – an evidence-based approach. 2nd Edition. Edinburgh, Elsevier. 2018: Chapter 8:105-116
- Green, B. and J. Dommerholt: Deep Dry Needling of the Hip and Pelvic Muscles. In: Dommerholt, J and C. Fernández de las Peñas: Trigger Point Dry Needling – an evidence-based approach. 2nd Edition. Edinburgh, Elsevier. 2018: Chapter 11:155-178
- Dommerholt, J: 3.4 Pathophysiologie. In: Reilich, P, C. Gröbli, J. Dommerholt: Myofasziale Schmerzen und Triggerpunkte. Die klinische Essenz. Munich, Urban & Fischer. 2018: 24-29
- Stebler Fischer, C. J. Dommerholt: 4.1 Manuelle Therapieverfahren. In: Reilich, P, C. Gröbli, J. Dommerholt: Myofasziale Schmerzen und Triggerpunkte. Die klinische Essenz. Munich, Urban & Fischer. 2018: 46-52
- Dommerholt, J: 4.2 Dry Needling. In: Reilich, P, C. Gröbli, J. Dommerholt: Myofasziale Schmerzen und Triggerpunkte. Die klinische Essenz. Munich, Urban & Fischer. 2018: 52-57
- Dommerholt, J: 4.4 Sonstige Therapieverfahren. In: Reilich, P, C. Gröbli, J. Dommerholt: Myofasziale Schmerzen und Triggerpunkte. Die klinische Essenz. Munich, Urban & Fischer. 2018: 69-74
- Reilich, P., C. Gröbli, J. Dommerholt, R. Weissmann: 4.5 Therapiealgorithmus. In: Reilich, P, C. Gröbli, J. Dommerholt: Myofasziale Schmerzen und Triggerpunkte. Die klinische Essenz. Munich, Urban & Fischer. 2018: 74-75
- Dommerholt, J, J.P. Shah: Myofascial Pain Syndrome. In: J.C. Ballantyne, J.P Rathmell., and S.M. Fishman, Editors: Bonica’s Pain Management, 5th Edition, Baltimore, Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins. 2018. Chapter 35:504-524
- Dommerholt J. R.D. Gerwin, C.A. Courtney: Pain Sciences and Myofascial Pain. In: Donnelly JM: Travell and Simons Trigger Point Manual, 3rd Edition, Baltimore, Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins. 2018. Chapter 1: 2-28
- Dommerholt J: The Role of Muscles and Fascia in Myofascial Pain Syndrome. In: Donnelly JM: Travell and Simons Trigger Point Manual, 3rd Edition, Baltimore, Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins. 2018. Chapter 3: 44-54
- Dommerholt, J: Puntos gatillo miofasciales, neurofisiologia y ciencias del dolor (in Spanish: Trigger points, neurophysiology and pain sciences). In: Mayoral, O and Salvat, I: Fisioterapia Invasiva Del Síndrome De Dolor Miofascial, Chapter 2:27-37
- Dommerholt, J: Dry Needling. In: Davis, C: Integrative Therapies in Rehabilitation; Evidence for Efficacy in Therapy, Prevention, and Wellness. 4th Edition. Slack, Inc. 2017:305-323
- Fernández de las Peñas, C, Ge, H-Y, Arendt-Nielsen, L and Dommerholt, J: Referred Muscle Pain from Myofascial Trigger Points. In: Fernández de las Peñas, C, J. Cleland and J Dommerholt: Manual Therapy for Musculoskeletal Pain Syndromes – An Evidenced and Clinical-Informed Approach. Churchill Livingstone (Elsevier), 2016: 659-677
- Fernández de las Peñas, C, Salom-Moreno, J, Ge, H-Y and Dommerholt, J: Manual Treatment of Myofascial Trigger Points. In: Fernández de las Peñas, C, J. Cleland and J Dommerholt: Manual Therapy for Musculoskeletal Pain Syndromes – An Evidenced and Clinical-Informed Approach. Churchill Livingstone (Elsevier), 2016: 678-689
- Dommerholt, J and Wijtmans, EH: Dry Needling of Muscle Trigger Points. In: Fernández de las Peñas, C, J. Cleland and J Dommerholt: Manual Therapy for Musculoskeletal Pain – An Evidenced and Clinical-Informed Approach. Churchill Livingstone (Elsevier), 2016:690-709
- Dommerholt, J and J. McEvoy: Myofascial Trigger Point Release Approach. In: C.H. Wise (ed): Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapy; from Art to Evidence. Philadelphia, FA Davis, 2015
- Dommerholt, J: Myofascial Pain Syndrome. In: C. Goodwin and K.S. Fuller: Pathology: Implications for the Physical Therapist. Elsevier. 4th Edition, Section 3, Pathology of the Musculoskeletal System. 2015; 1296-1298
- Fernández de las Peñas, C and J Dommerholt: Basic concepts of myofascial trigger points (TrPs). In: Dommerholt, J and C. Fernández de las Peñas: Trigger Point Dry Needling – an evidence-based approach. Edinburgh, Elsevier. 2013: Chapter 1:3-19
- Dommerholt, J and C. Fernández de las Peñas: Proposed mechanisms and effects of trigger point dry needling. In: Dommerholt, J and C. Fernández de las Peñas: Trigger Point Dry Needling – an evidence-based approach. Edinburgh, Elsevier. 2013: Chapter 2:21-27
- Dommerholt, J: Fascia and dry needling. In: Dommerholt, J and C. Fernández de las Peñas: Trigger Point Dry Needling – an evidence-based approach. Edinburgh, Elsevier. 2013: Chapter 3, part 2:35-38
- Dommerholt, J: Professional controversies and dry needling. In: Dommerholt, J and C. Fernández de las Peñas: Trigger Point Dry Needling – an evidence-based approach. Edinburgh, Elsevier. 2013: Chapter 5:59-69
- Kelley, L, M. Finnegan and J. Dommerholt: Deep dry needling of the trunk muscles. In: Dommerholt, J and C. Fernández de las Peñas: Trigger Point Dry Needling – an evidence-based approach. Edinburgh, Elsevier. 2013: Chapter 9:119-132
- Sandalcidi, D and J. Dommerholt: Deep dry needling of the hip, pelvis and thigh muscles. In: Dommerholt, J and C. Fernández de las Peñas: Trigger Point Dry Needling – an evidence-based approach. Edinburgh, Elsevier. 2013, Chapter 10:133-150
- Dommerholt, J: Trigger Point Therapy. In: Schleip, R. T. Finley, L. Chaitow and P. Huijing: Fascia: The Tensional Network of the Human Body: The science and clinical applications in manual and movement therapy Edinburgh, Churchill Livingstone, 2012; Chapter 7.2: 297-302
- Dommerholt, J, J. McEvoy and C. Gröbli: Trigger Point Dry Needling. In: Fernández-de-las-Peñas, L. Chaitow and C., J. Schoenen: Multidisciplinary Management Of Migraine: Pharmacological, Manual And Other Therapies. Boston, Jones & Bartlett, 2013:277-289
- Dommerholt, J and L. Kelley: Myofasziale Schmerzsyndrome. In: Hildebrandt, J, M. Pfingsten and G. Müller: Rückenschmerz und Lendenwirbelsäule; Lietliniengerechtes Vorgehen in der Praxis. Munich, Urban & Fischer, 2112: 210-215.
- Dommerholt, J and T. Adler: Intramuscular Manual Therapy. In: Chaitow, L and Lovegrove, R: Practical Physical Medicine Approaches to Chronic Pelvic Pain (CPP) & Dysfunction. Edinburgh, Churchill Livingstone, 2112; Chapter 15: 363-376.
- Dommerholt, J and R. Stanborough: Muscle Pain Syndromes. In: Cantu, R, A. Grodin, R. Stanborough: Myofascial Manipulation. 3rd Edition. Austin, Pro-Ed, 2012: 125-180
- Dommerholt, J: Sicherheit und Hygiene beim Dry Needling von Triggerpunkten. Munich, Urban & Fischer.
- Reilich, P., C. Gröbli, J. Dommerholt, and R. Weissmann: Therapiealgorithmus. In: Reilich, P, C. Gröbli, J. Dommerholt: Myofasziale Schmerzen und Triggerpunkte. Die klinische Essenz. Munich, Urban & Fischer, 2012: 90-91
- Dommerholt, Pathophysiologie. In: Reilich, P, C. Gröbli, J. Dommerholt: Myofasziale Schmerzen und Triggerpunkte. Die klinische Essenz. Munich, Urban & Fischer, 2012: 26-34
- Dommerholt, J: Dry Needling und Akupunkturtechniken In: Reilich, P, C. Gröbli, J. Dommerholt: Myofasziale Schmerzen und Triggerpunkte. Die klinische Essenz. Munich, Urban & Fischer, 2012: 58-75
- Stebler Fischer, C. and J. Dommerholt: Manuelle Therapieverfahren. In: Reilich, P, C. Gröbli, J. Dommerholt: Myofasziale Schmerzen und Triggerpunkte. Die klinische Essenz. Munich, Urban & Fischer, 2012: 52-58
- Dommerholt, J: Sonstige Therapieverfahren. In: Reilich, P, C. Gröbli, J. Dommerholt: Myofasziale Schmerzen und Triggerpunkte. Die klinische Essenz. Munich, Urban & Fischer, 2012: 83-90.
- Dommerholt, J: Foreword. In: Chaitow, L. and J. DeLany: Clinical Application Of Neuromuscular Techniques Volume 2 – The Lower Body, Second Edition. Elsevier, 2011
- Dommerholt, J and J. Franssen: Wetenschappelijke evidentie van myofasciale trigger punten. In Jonckheere, P, K. Demanet, J. Pattyn, J. Dommerholt: Trigger Points Praktisch Werkboek Myofasciale Therapie. Deel 1: Bovenste Lidmaat. Brugge, Acu-Qi, 2011: 57-84
- Franssen, J., C. Bron, J. Dommerholt: Myofascial Trigger Points in the Workplace. In Fernández-de-las-Peñas, C., J.A. Cleland, P. Huijbregts: Neck and Arm Pain Syndromes: Evidence-Informed Screening, Diagnosis, and Management. Elsevier, 2011: Chapter 6:78-93
- Fernández de las Peñas, C, H.Y. Ge, J. Dommerholt, L. Arendt-Nielsen, D.G. Simons: Referred Pain from Muscle Trigger Points in Patients with Arm Pain Syndromes. In Fernández-de-las-Peñas, C., J.A. Cleland, P. Huijbregts: Neck and Arm Pain Syndromes: Evidence-Informed Screening, Diagnosis, and Management. Elsevier, 2011; Chapter 32:404-418
- Fernández de las Peñas, C., H.Y. Ge, J. Dommerholt: Manual Treatment of Trigger Points. In: Fernández-de-las-Peñas, C., J.A. Cleland, P. Huijbregts: Neck and Arm Pain Syndromes: Evidence-Informed Screening, Diagnosis, and Management. Elsevier, 2011: Chapter 33: 419-429
- J., Collier, B: Instrumentalist Musicians. Monograph of the American Physical Therapy Association. 2011
- Dommerholt, J: Dry Needling of Trigger Points. In: Fernández-de-las-Peñas, C., J.A. Cleland, P. Huijbregts:Neck and Arm Pain Syndromes: Evidence-Informed Screening, Diagnosis, and Management. Elsevier, 2011: Chapter 34: 430-438
- Dommerholt, J, Finnegan, M. Hooks, T, Chou, L-W: A critical overview of the current myofascial pain literature – July 2018 J Bodywork Movement Ther. 2018; 22: 673-684
- Dommerholt, J, C. Bron and J. Franssen: Myofascial trigger points: an evidence-informed review. In: Dommerholt J, Huijbregts P.A., Eds. Myofascial Trigger Points: Pathophysiology and Evidence-Informed Diagnosis and Management. Boston, Jones & Bartlett, 2011: Chapter 2: 17-50
- Dommerholt, J. and R.D. Gerwin: “Nutritional and metabolic perpetuating factors in myofascial pain.” In: Dommerholt J, Huijbregts P.A., Eds. Myofascial Trigger Points: Pathophysiology and Evidence-Informed Diagnosis and Management. Boston, Jones & Bartlett, 2011: Chapter 3: 51-61.
- Dommerholt, J., O. Mayoral del Moral and C. Gröbli: “Trigger Point Dry Needling.” In: Dommerholt J, Huijbregts P.A., Eds. Myofascial Trigger Points: Pathophysiology and Evidence-Informed Diagnosis and Management. Boston, Jones & Bartlett, 2011: Chapter 8:159-190
- Dommerholt, J: Whiplash, Muscle Pain, and Motor Dysfunction. In: S. Mense and R.G. Gerwin, Editors: Muscle Pain – An Update. Mechanisms, Diagnosis and Treatment. Berlin, Springer, 2010: Chapter 9: 247-288.
- Dommerholt, J, P. Shah: Myofascial Pain Syndrome. In: J.C. Ballantyne, J.P Rathmell., and S.M. Fishman, Editors: Bonica’s Pain Management, 4th Edition, Baltimore, Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 2010; Chapter 35, 450-471.
- Dommerholt, J: Differential Diagnosis: Differential Diagnosis of Fibromyalgia. In: Chaitow, L (ed): Fibromyalgia; A Practitioner’s Guide to Treatment. Edinburgh, Churchill Livingstone, 2010: Chapter 8, 179-213.
- Dommerholt, J. R. Gerwin: Neurophysiologic Effects of Needling Therapies. In; Fernández de las Peñas, C., L. Arendt-Nielsen, and R.D. Gerwin: Diagnosis And Management Of Tension Type And Cervicogenic Headache. Boston, Jones & Bartlett, 2010: Chapter 21:247-259
- Fernández de las Peñas, H.Y, Ge, J. Dommerholt: Manual Identification of Trigger Points in the Muscles Associated with Headaches. In; Fernández de las Peñas, C., L. Arendt-Nielsen, and R.D. Gerwin: Diagnosis And Management Of Tension Type And Cervicogenic Headache. Boston, Jones & Bartlett, 2010: Chapter 16:183-194
- Dommerholt, J, R.D. Gerwin: Needling of Head, Neck and Shoulder Muscle Trigger Points Relevant to Headache. In; Fernández de las Peñas, C., L. Arendt-Nielsen, and R.D. Gerwin: Diagnosis And Management Of Tension Type And Cervicogenic Headache. Boston, Jones & Bartlett, 2010: Chapter 31: 421-430
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- Dommerholt, J, C. Gröbli: The Knee. In: Whyte-Ferguson, L, R. Gerwin (eds): Clinical Mastery of Myofascial Pain. Baltimore, Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 2005:359-389
- Dommerholt, J, Royson, L.R. Whyte-Ferguson: Neck pain and dysfunction following whiplash. In: Whyte-Ferguson, L, R. Gerwin (eds): Clinical Mastery of Myofascial Pain. Baltimore, Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 2005:57-89
- Dommerholt, J, T. Issa: Differential Diagnosis: Myofascial Pain. In: Chaitow, L (ed): Fibromyalgia; A Practitioner’s Guide to Treatment. Edinburgh, Churchill Livingstone, 2003:149-177
- Gerwin, R, J. Dommerholt: Treatment of Myofascial Pain Syndromes. In: Weiner, RS (ed): Pain Management; A Practical Guide for Clinicians, 6th Edition. Boca Raton, CRC Press, 2002:235-249
- Dommerholt, J: Muscle Pain Syndromes. In: Cantu, R, A. Grodin: Myofascial Manipulation. 2nd Edition, Gaithersburg, Aspen Publishers, 2001:93-140
- Dommerholt, J: In: Tubiana, R. P. Amadio, (eds): Medical Problems of the Instrumentalist Musician. London, Martin Dunitz, 2000:399-419
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- Dommerholt, J, R.N. Norris, M. Shaheen: Therapeutic Management of The Instrumental Musician. In: Sataloff, R.T, A.G. Brandfonbrener, R.J. Lederman (eds): Textbook of Performing Arts Medicine. San Diego, Singular Press, 1998:277-290
- Norris, R.N, J. Dommerholt: Applied Ergonomics; Adaptive Equipment and Instrument Modification for Musicians. In: Sataloff, R.T, A.G. Brandfonbrener, R.J. Lederman (eds): Textbook of Performing Arts Medicine. San Diego, Singular Press, 1998: 261-275
- Gerwin, R, J. Dommerholt: Treatment of Myofascial Pain Syndromes. In: Weiner RS (ed): Pain Management; A Practical Guide for Clinicians, 5th Edition. Boca Raton, St. Lucie Press, 1998;217-229
- Busic, B.D, J. Dommerholt: Evaluating Progress and Decision Making for Efficient Return to Work: An Algorithm for Work Hardening. In: Fry, R.R. (Ed): Seventh Annual Forum on Issues in Vocational Assessment. Menomonie, WI, Materials Development Center, University of Wisconsin, 1995
- Norris, R.N, J. Dommerholt: Orthopädische Probleme und Rehabilitation bei muskuloskeletalen Störungen [in German – Orthopaedic Problems and Rehabilitation of musculoskeletal Injuries (of musicians)] In: Blum, J. (Ed): Medizinische Probleme bei Musikern (Medical Problems of Musicians). Stuttgart/New York, Georg Thieme Verlag, 1995;116-159
- Bejjani, F.J, L. Ferrara, N. Xu, C.M. Tomaino, L.Pavlidis, J. Wu, J. Dommerholt. Synchronized Electromyographic, Sound and 3D Video Analysis of Piano Performance, With Comparison of Three Methods of Playing. In: Presperin, J.J. (Ed): Technology of the next Decade. Proceedings of the 12th Annual RESNA Conference. Washington, DC: ResnaPress, 1989; 258-259.
- Reilich, R C. Gröbli, J. Dommerholt, D Bösch: Douleurs myofasciales et points trigger; Diagnostic et thérapie basée sur les preuves. Les 30 principaux muscles du corps. Elsevier Masson, 2021 (translation of item 4)
- Dommerholt, J and C. Fernández de las Peñas: Punción seca de los puntos gatillo – Una estrategia clinica basada en la evidencia. Secunda Edición. Barcelona, Josep Tarradellas, 2019 (translation of item 3)
- Dommerholt, J and C. Fernández de las Peñas: Trigger Point Dry Needling – An Evidenced and Clinical-Based approach. 2nd Edinburgh, Churchill Livingstone (Elsevier), 2018
- Reilich P, C.C. Gröbl, J. Dommerholt: Myofasziale Schmerzen und Triggerpunkte. Die klinische Essenz. 2. Auflage Munich, Urban & Fischer, 2018
- Dommerholt, J and C. Fernández de las Peñas: نقطه تکان دهنده سوزن خشک, Tehran, Iran, (translation of item 8)
- Fernández de las Peñas, C, J. Cleland and J. Dommerholt: Manual Therapy for Musculoskeletal Pain Syndromes– An Evidenced and Clinical-Informed Approach. Churchill Livingstone (Elsevier), 2016
- Dommerholt, J and C. Fernández de las Peñas: Punción seca de los puntos gatillo – Una estrategia clinica basada en la evidencia. Madrid, Elsevier, 2013 (translation of item 8)
- Dommerholt, J and C. Fernández de las Peñas: Trigger Point Dry Needling – An Evidenced and Clinical-Based approach. Edinburgh, Churchill Livingstone (Elsevier), 2013
- Reilich P, C.C. Gröbl, J. Dommerholt: Myofasziale Schmerzen und Triggerpunkte. Die klinische Essenz. Munich, Urban & Fischer, 2011
- Jonckheere, P, K. Demanet, J. Pattyn, J. Dommerholt: Trigger Points Praktisch Werkboek Myofasciale Therapie. Deel 1: Bovenste Lidmaat. Brugge, Acu-Qi, 2011
- Dommerholt J, Huijbregts P.A., Eds. Myofascial Trigger Points: Pathophysiology and Evidence-Informed Diagnosis and Management. Boston, Jones & Bartlett, 2011