✨ What an incredible week in Dubai! 🇦🇪 Jan Dommerholt, PT, DPT, led the DN-1 International Format with our amazing partners at Knowledge Bridge. 🎓 Attendees took their first steps
✨ What an incredible week in Dubai! 🇦🇪 Jan Dommerholt, PT, DPT, led the DN-1 International Format with our amazing partners at Knowledge Bridge. 🎓 Attendees took their first steps
Transcription Hi everybody. I’m Matteo Castaldo, an Italian physiotherapist specialized into manual therapy and chronic pain management. After graduating in physiotherapy I took different courses in manual therapy and a
Hear from a participant in our end-of-year 2023 Dry Needling course in Quite, Ecuador. Other testimonials from this course: [add links once the additional videos are posted]
Drs. Jennifer Hobson and Jan Dommerholt discussed why Dry Needling should be part of treatment for breathing dysfunction, and head and neck pain patients. Listen as they discuss what dry
Dr. Whiteford introduces a “revolutionary” new approach to pelvic health focusing on the bigger picture vs. the more common approach using the core principles of Fascial Manipulation – Stecco Method.
The Myopain Seminars Advanced Dry Needling Dissection course is one of the very best courses we offer. Our students agree! Listen to their reports of their experiences during the course.
Temporomandibular disorder (TMD) represents a constellation of signs and symptoms involving the temporomandibular joints and/or muscles of mastication. It has been estimated that up to 12% of the general population
Introduction to Principles of Dance Medicine will introduce healthcare professionals to topics specific to the dancer population. Dr. Mandy Blackmon discusses the injuries commonly seen in dancers and trigger point
Manual therapy and myofascial trigger points go together like peanut butter and jelly, popcorn and movies, spaghetti and meatballs. Unfortunately, in the world of dry needling, it is often an
What is tinnitus and what are the symptoms? Michiel Trouw, instructor with CRAFTA® explores tinnitus from a neuromusculoskeletal point of view. Which techniques are applied during the assessment? What role,
What is bruxism and what are the symptoms? During the first part of this webinar, Prof. Dr. Harry von Piekartz presents an evidence-informed overview of bruxism, including the etiology, assessment,
Every clinician will treat patients who were involved in a whiplash injury. In this webinar, Dr. Jan Dommerholt addresses whiplash from a physical therapy and a biomechanical trauma perspective. Why
Many clinicians harbor the mistaken impression that female and male pelvic issues always require internal examination and treatment. Dr. Colleen Whiteford explains that orthopedic physical therapists typically do not perform
Pelvic pain affects up to 1/3 of women (not to mention men). Dr. Blair Green explains that when considering sources of pelvic pain, the muscles in the pelvic floor cannot
Stewart Wild, LMT, CNMT, CMTPT discusses the ins and outs of Manual Trigger Point Therapy (MTT), a unique form of hands-on bodywork that solves problems of pain and dysfunction of
In this free educational webinar, Dr. Ryan Shepherd ND, LAc, R.Ac explores fascia from the perspective of what is known about its function and dysfunction. Functional Fascia Therapeutics or FFT
In this free webinar, Drs. Jan Dommerholt and Nate Mayberry will present an alternative evidence-informed approach to exercise programs with your patients. Many physical therapists, chiropractors, occupational therapists, athletic trainers,
Eureka Seminars instructors Drs. Keith Poorbaugh (PT, ScD, OCS, CMTPT, FAAOMPT) and Francis Jung (PT, DPT, OCS, CMTPT, Cert. MDT, COMT, FAAOMPT) will give a brief introduction to Contemporary Manual
Myopain Seminars Free “Beyond Dry Needling” webinar series featuring María Resano and Maria Catalayud discussing their work on equine rehabilitation and dry needling.
Lecture about the scientific evidence of dry needling (in Spanish) during the 30th ONCE Congress on Physiotherapy – Sindrome de dolor miofascal y punto gatillo miofasciales in Madrid, Spain –
Published in the Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, this new study focused on determining which TMD assessment tools are the most useful for physical therapists.
A case report from Ireland showed an injury to the radial nerve after dry needling of the triceps muscle. At Myopain Seminars, we review the anatomy in great detail to
Immediate increase in range of motion consistent with Ansari, NN, Alaei, P, Naghdi, S, Fakhari, Z, Komesh, S & Dommerholt, J, 2018. Immediate Effects of Dry Needling as a Novel
Dr. Jan Dommerholt from Myopain Seminars demonstrating to a group of veterinarians and veterinary physical therapists on using manual techniques and dry needling to deactivate trigger points in the quadratus
Dramatic improvement in pain levels and motor function following dry needling of the serratus anterior muscle during a dry needling course in Quito, Ecuador.
Jan Dommerholt taught brief workshops at Regis University in Denver during a conference of the Colorado APTA chapter. The results were amazing and life changing!
In this video, Dr. Rick Wall demonstrates canine trigger point therapy using a dry needling technique. Dr. Wall coordinates the Canine Trigger Point Management course offered by Myopain Seminars.
✨ What an incredible week in Dubai! 🇦🇪 Jan Dommerholt, PT, DPT, led the DN-1 International Format with our amazing partners at Knowledge Bridge. 🎓 Attendees took their first steps
✨ What an incredible week in Dubai! 🇦🇪 Jan Dommerholt, PT, DPT, led the DN-1 International Format with our amazing partners at Knowledge Bridge. 🎓 Attendees took their first steps
Transcription Hi everybody. I’m Matteo Castaldo, an Italian physiotherapist specialized into manual therapy and chronic pain management. After graduating in physiotherapy I took different courses in manual therapy and a
Clinicians are eligible to be listed in the Find a Clinician directory when they complete one of the Myopain Seminars Course Certifications like the entire Dry Needling certification to become a CMTPT-Needling.
The Dry Needling Program (DN)
Certified Myofascial Trigger Point Therapist: CMTPT/DN
The Manual Trigger Point Therapy Program (MTT)
Certified Myofascial Trigger Point Therapist: CMTPT/MTT
The Dry Needling for Occupational Therapists Program (DNOT)
Certified Myofascial Trigger Point Therapist: CMTPT/DN
The Orofacial Dry Needling Program (ODN)
Certified in Orofacial Dry Needling: CMTPT/ODN
The Trigger Point Acupuncture Dry Needling Program
Certified in Trigger Point Acupuncture/Dry Needling: CMTPT/DNAc
Clinicians are also eligible to be included if they have completed:
The Fascial Manipulation® course program (FM 1-3) and passed the FM examinations
The CRAFTA course program (CRAFTA 1-3) and passed the CRAFTA certification examinations
Three of the Eureka Seminars / Myopain Seminars Pelvic Health courses – Pelvic Heath Certified (PHC)
The Functional Fascia Therapeutics (FFT) course (formerly known as Fu’s Subcutaneous Needling or FSN)