
Lisa Erickson Gorman

Lisa Erickson Gorman
CMTPT, CNMT - Instructor

Lisa Erickson Gorman

CMTPT, CNMT – Instructor
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Instructor Bio

Lisa Erickson Gorman is co-owner of 360 NeuroMuscular Therapy, a massage therapy clinic in Waltham, MA where she treats patients and mentors massage therapists interested in solving chronic pain problems. Her certifications include Orthopedic Massage through James Waslaski’s Center for Pain and NeuroMuscular Therapy – American Version. Lisa was one of the first graduates of the Manual Trigger Point Therapy Seminars created by Stew Wild.

With a strong foothold in the sciences (Lisa has her BS in Geology from the University of Wisconsin – River Falls and an MS in Geological Sciences from the University of Florida), she approaches each patient methodically to solve musculoskeletal symptoms. This background also lays the foundation for experimentation and continued curiosity in her treatments.

She is an active volunteer with the Massachusetts Chapter of the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA) in the Government Relations Committee. She is a member of the International Association for the Study of Pain.

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